資本 Capita
實收資本(或股本) Paid-up capital(or stock)
實收資本 Paicl-up capital
實收股本 Paid-up stock
已歸還投資 Investment Returned
資本公積 Capital reserve
資本(或股本)溢價 Cpital(or Stock) premium
接受捐贈非現(xiàn)金資產(chǎn)準備 Receive non-cash donate reserve
股權投資準備 Stock right investment reserves
撥款轉(zhuǎn)入 Allocate sums changeover in
外幣資本折算差額 Foreign currency capital
其他資本公積 Other capital reserve
盈余公積 Surplus reserves
法定盈余公積 Legal surplus
任意盈余公積 Free surplus reserves
法定公益金 Legal public welfare fund
儲備基金 Reserve fund
企業(yè)發(fā)展基金 Enterprise expension fund
利潤歸還投資 Profits capitalizad on return of investment
潤 Profits
本年利潤 Current year profits
利潤分配 Profit distribution
其他轉(zhuǎn)入 Other chengeover in
提取法定盈余公積 Withdrawal legal surplus
提取法定公益金 Withdrawal legal public welfare funds
提取儲備基金 Withdrawal reserve fund
提取企業(yè)發(fā)展基金 Withdrawal reserve for business expansion
提取職工獎勵及福利基金 Withdrawal staff and workers'' bonus and welfare fund
利潤歸還投資 Profits capitalizad on return of investment
應付優(yōu)先股股利 Preferred Stock dividends payable
提取任意盈余公積 Withdrawal other common accumulation fund
應付普通股股利 Common Stock dividends payable
轉(zhuǎn)作資本(或股本)的普通股股利 Common Stock dividends change to assets(or stock)
未分配利潤 Undistributed profit
在會計英語里,owner's equity所有者權益包括三部分,capital,drawings,net profit。此外針對2020年ACCA考生,融躍教育還推出了2020年ACCA英語詞匯寶典(??荚~+基礎詞+超綱詞),如果有需要的同學可以掃描文章下方的二維碼!