ACCA考試Maximisation of utility包含哪些知識點?

大家都知道,ACCA考試的知識點有很多,學員要想全面的掌握卻不容易。ACCA考試中的知識點內(nèi)容,學員可以跟著網(wǎng)課老師去學習,掌握知識點相對會不會那么難。今天融躍小編給大家分享,ACCA考試Maximisation of utility包含哪些知識點?


1. Investors may have preferences for particular stocks on non-financial grounds 投資者可能對特定股票有偏好,理由是非財務的。比如有些不道德的公司“sin stocks”,投資者就不愛買

2. cognitive dissonance認知失調:Investor utility may also be linked to the process of decision making.明明已經(jīng)虧欠的股票,而且上漲幾率很小,但就是不賣。心理上覺得不賣就不是虧損,只算浮虧。賣了就真的虧錢了。


1. Agency theory 代理人問題:It also highlights that managers may have different objectives from

shareholders, such as maximising their own short-term rewards and expanding the company by acquisition or other means in order to enhance their own reputation. 管理層決定是為了化自己的短期回報和擴大公司通過收購或其他方式以提高自己的聲譽。

2. Loss aversion bias損失厭惡偏好: The acquirer’s managers are unwilling to let someone else have what they have been trying to acquire。自己沒能完成收購,也不希望別人完成收購,會顯得自己不作為,或之前做的功課都浪費。然后競標時,出價不擇手段。

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