ACCA考試Objective of NFP organization是考試的重點嗎?

ACCA考試的知識點是需要學員一一進行掌握并理解的內容,學員在學習ACCA考試內容的時候,需要進行課程的學習,并進行知識點的理解才可以。那么,ACCA考試Objective of NFP organization是考試的重點嗎?

ACCA考試Objective of NFP organization是考試的重點,學員在學習該知識點的時候,要重視每一個內容的學習,同時也需要理解該知識點的內容才可以。下面是為大家總結的Objective of NFP organization知識點的相關內容:



The primary objective of NFP and public sector organization is effective provision of services.

Other possible objectives from NFP:

Revenue maximization (for a commercial business eg. a charity shop)

Usage maximization (for example, public swimming pool usage)

Client satisfaction maximization ( the police generating the support of the public)

Financial objective : value for money

(a) Economy: spending money frugally;

(b) Efficiency: getting out as much as possible for what goes in;

(c) Effectiveness: getting done, by means of (a) and (b), what was supposed to be done.

ACCA考試采用純英文的教材及考試,學員在備考的時候,要重視知識點的學習,同時也需要重視自我的理解。ACCA考試的內容幫助學員更好的去學習財會的內容,并成長為優(yōu) 秀的財會人。
