1、 Investors should use a portfolio approach to:
A reduce risk.
B monitor risk.
C eliminate risk.
A is correct. Combining assets into a portfolio should reduce the portfolio’s volatility. Specifically, “individuals and institutions should hold portfolios to reduce risk.” As illustrated in the reading, however, risk reduction may not be as great during a period of dramatic economic change.
2、 Which of the following is the best reason for an investor to be concerned with
the composition of a portfolio?
A Risk reduction.
B Downside risk protection.
C Avoidance of investment disasters.
A is correct. Combining assets into a portfolio should reduce the portfolio’s vol-
atility. The portfolio approach does not necessarily provide downside protection
or guarantee that the portfolio always will avoid losses.
3、 With respect to the formation of portfolios, which of the following statements is
most accurate?
A Portfolios affect risk less than returns.
B Portfolios affect risk more than returns.
C Portfolios affect risk and returns equally.
B is correct. As illustrated in the reading, portfolios reduce risk more than they
increase returns.