Capital Gain是什么意思?它在不同的領(lǐng)域有不同的意思,那在金融CFA考試中Capital Gain是什么意思呢?對于這個考點難不難呢?有沒有老師可以解答這個問題呢?
您所說的這個詞語,是屬于CFA詞匯的一個,掌握好CFA詞匯可以讓您在CFA的學習中如魚得水,那Capital Gain是什么意思呢?融躍老師給你講一講這個知識點。
那融躍老師給你出一道關(guān)于Capital Gain知識的考題,看看你會不會做呢?
"Which of the following financial products is least likely to have a capital gain distribution?
A Exchange traded funds.
B Open-end mutual funds.
C Closed-end mutual funds."
"A is correct. Exchange traded funds do not have capital gain distributions. If an investor sells shares of an ETF (or open-end mutual fund or closed-end mutual fund), the investor may have a capital gain or loss on the shares sold;
可能大家在做這道題的時候不知道 however, the gain (or loss) from the sale is not a distribution." 這句話什么意思?往往就是這句話容易導致考生不知道該怎么做?