

DeionI perform to exercise accounting supervision and formulate specific measures for handling accounting affairs of my company;participate in the preparation of economic plans and business plans,analysis of the implementation of budget and financial plans.


DeionI perform projections,cash flow analysis,and durational analysis of individual health insurance policies.These activities have a direct bearing on the investments chosen to back the reserves for these blocks of business.


DeionI perform financial statement audits of investment companies and in the process test the custody and pricing of the portfolios.Used Bloomberg and learned the accounting of several security types,including equities,bonds,options,and futures.


DeionI am a management consultant to the financial services industry,working with risk management functions,assisting clients in developing and refining statistically based credit risk models covering a diverse range of portfolios.


DeionAs a financial engineer in an asset management company,I am responsible for evaluating product development and using quantitative methods and tools to recommend asset allocations,construct portfolios,and perform derivative analysis.

Model6Portfolio Manager

DeionRebalance high-net-worth clients'portfolios by trading short-term assets and pooled funds.Analyze and evaluate client performance reports.
