
An analyst gathered the following information about the return distributions for two portfolios during the same time period:

Portfolio Skewness Kurtosis

A -1.6 1.9

B 0.8 3.2

The analyst states that the distribution for Portfolio A is more peaked than a normal distribution and that the distribution for Portfolio B has a long tail on the left side of the distribution. Which of the following is correct?

A.The analyst's assessment is correct.

B.The analyst's assessment is correct for Portfolio A and incorrect for portfolio B.

C.The analyst's assessment is incorrect for Portfolio A but is correct for portfolio B.

D.The analyst is incorrect in his assessment for both portfolios.

Solution: D


The analyst's statement is incorrect in reference to either portfolio. Portfolio A has a kurtosis of less than 3, indicating that it is less peaked than a normal distribution platykurtic)。 Portfolio B is positively skewed long tail on the right side of the distribution)。